He says, "I had no further use for the Ikea shoe cupboard (name unknown) but really liked the birch veneered panels and realised that they would make a great match with my Hi-Fi unit and Benno CD/DVD storage. I therefore decided to make a pair of speakers using Fostex FE83e units , and the Fostex DBR design. I wanted to preserve the panels as untrimmed as possible to save the nice veneered edges, so needed to do a little work with a spreadsheet to calculate revised sizes, retaining the overall design volumes. Some work with a saw and glue, and some carpet underlay, yielded the pictured speakers. You can see that they match the colour and style of my other Ikea items very well - and they sound great, especially now they are powered by a Sonic Impact T amp."

Can I hack the Merlion?So ... my next stop is the Lion City. This is especially going out to all you hackers (and non-hackers. It's ok, I still love you) lurking in Singapore. I'm going to be in your city from Tuesday (26th) for a week and if you're game to come up for air, shoot me a mail at ikeahacker (at) gmail (dot) com. And yeah, what else to do ah, besides Orchard Road and the usual tourist traps?
Merlion photo by Wolfgang Sladkowski
Related hacks:
- Salad bowl speakers
- Sexy speaker legs
- Dudero speaker stand
- PS Cart speakers
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